Notification of a public assembly

Notification of a public assembly
Notification procedure for assemblies in the open air
The right to assemble peacefully and without weapons is enshrined in the Basic Law (GG) of the Federal Republic of Germany.


Planning and registering an assembly

If you want to organize a public assembly in the open air, you must notify the responsible district police authority at least 48 hours before the invitation to the assembly.

If you want to organize an assembly with less than 48 hours' notice, you must notify the responsible district police authority immediately - by telephone if necessary. You can also seek advice from this authority about an assembly that is being planned. Only assemblies for spontaneous reasons (spontaneous assemblies) do not require prior notification (see § 10 VersG NRW).

Alternatively, you can also notify the responsible district police authority in writing or by making an appointment.



If you have any queries, please contact the administration department on
telephone number 0201 829-2157 or -2163,
by fax on 0201 829-2129
or at the following e-mail address: ZA12Versammlungsrecht.Essen [at] (ZA12Versammlungsrecht[dot]Essen[at]polizei[dot]nrw[dot]de)

For written notification / by e-mail, please use this form (only in german).

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110