The authority management

Polizeipräsident Andreas Stüve
The authority management
Polizeipräsident Andreas Stüve has been in charge of the authority since January 23, 2023.

Andreas Stüve (born 08.09.1969 in Bramsche) is a fully qualified lawyer and has been Polizeipräsident of the Essen and Mülheim an der Ruhr police forces since January 2023.


Personal details
Andreas Stüve was born on September 8, 1969 in Bramsche (Lower Saxony) and grew up in Münsterland. He is married and lives in Mettmann with his wife and two daughters.


Professional career
After graduating from Fürstenberg-Gymnasium in Recke, he studied law at the Westfälische-Wilhelms-Universität in Münster. During his studies, he spent two semesters at the Université Paris Nanterre
. After successfully completing his studies, he worked as a public prosecutor at the Düsseldorf public prosecutor's office from 1999. From 2011, he was Senior Public Prosecutor and Head of the Department for the Prosecution of Organized Crime. In 2020, he became head of the Central and Contact Point for the Prosecution of Organized Crime in NRW (ZeOS NRW).
In December 2022, the state cabinet decided to appoint Andreas Stüve as Polizeipräsident in Essen and Mülheim an der Ruhr at the suggestion of Interior Minister Herbert Reul.
Andreas Stüve then took office in January 2023. Together with around 2,200 employees, he is responsible for one of the largest Polizeipräsidien in NRW - and therefore for the safety of over 740,000 people in Essen and Mülheim an der Ruhr.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110