Infoseite Grugahalle
Information on operations on the occasion of the AfD federal party conference
On this page you will find all important and current information on the occasion of the large-scale operation on the last weekend in June. Due to the dynamic operational situation, the page will be successively filled with content. In particular, the restricted areas are constantly updated.
Press release "Essen police draw a successful balance sheet"

Essen - Rüttenscheid:

After a busy weekend of gatherings surrounding the AfD national party conference (June 28-30), the Essen police have drawn a positive final balance: the operational concept, which was developed over several months of preparation, proved its worth in its implementation. Even though there were violent disturbances in which a total of 28 colleagues (27 minor, 1 serious) were injured, the vast majority of the protests remained peaceful.

In total, several tens of thousands of demonstrators attended the 34 gatherings last weekend, which were directed against the AfD's national party conference. We are unable to provide more detailed information on the number of participants due to the dynamic influx and outflow of people at the individual rallies.

The protest rallies, most of which took place in Rüttenscheid, remained largely peaceful. Unfortunately, however, there were also violent disruptions and attacks on police officers, particularly on Saturday. In some cases, the police had to take robust action (with pepper spray and batons) against violent offenders in order to ensure public safety and order.

The Essen police filed a total of 143 criminal charges last weekend. These included 18 violations of the Assembly Act, 11 criminal charges for breach of the peace, 39 criminal charges for resisting arrest and 41 criminal charges for assaulting police officers. As a result, 22 people were taken into custody and two people were provisionally arrested. All of the people have since been released.

Detlef Köbbel, head of operations, summarized: "It was an exhausting but successful weekend. Our intensive preparation has paid off. We managed to nip violent disruptions in the bud and prevent blockades. The AfD federal party conference was able to take place as planned and the peaceful participants were able to express their protest. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the forces deployed for their commitment and professionalism in dealing with the operation. I wish the injured colleagues a speedy and speedy recovery. I would also like to thank all residents who showed understanding for the necessary measures (e.g. checks and road closures)."

Citizens' hotline no longer manned

The citizens' hotline is no longer manned with immediate effect. For general questions, you can reach us as usual on 0201/829-0.

Federal party conference ends

The federal party conference is over.

Removal of the restricted and no-stopping zones

The dismantling of the restricted and no-stopping zones has begun. The work is expected to be completed by midnight today. We thank you for your understanding.

Statement by the Minister of the Interior

Good planning pays off. We saw that again at the weekend in Essen. This operation kept the police busy for weeks. It was cleverly prepared and required a massive deployment of forces. The math worked out. We knew who was coming and were able to identify troublemakers early on. We had to distinguish between peaceful demonstrators and rioters.

Because there were again too many people who didn't want to convey a message, but were just out to cause trouble. Masked people who tried to break through barriers by force. Police officers were also injured in the process. Two officers were kicked while they were already lying on the ground. That is outrageous.

Everyone has the right to express their opinion. But that stops when you break the law. Criticism is legitimate, violence is not.

I would like to thank all the emergency services who were out and about in Essen this weekend. And not only there - because there is also a European Championship taking place. These men and women protect every single citizen. But they are also protecting our democracy - the freedoms and rights of all people in our country. In doing so, they risk their health for security and order. I wish the injured police officers a speedy recovery.

Press release "Incident on the occasion of the AfD federal party conference - One police officer seriously injured by demonstrators - 1st follow-up report - photo search"

Essen - city center:

On Saturday morning (29 June), demonstrators attacked several police officers from the riot police on the fringes of the AfD federal party conference in Essen. Unknown individuals kicked two of the police officers in the head several times during the attack. They also kicked one of the two officers, who was already lying on the ground. A total of nine officers were injured in the attack. We reported: durch-demonstranten-schwer-verletz


Criminal police investigators intensively analyzed video footage of the crime. In one of the sequences, the main perpetrator pulls down his mask so that his face can be seen. With the help of the photos, the criminal investigation department is looking for witnesses who can provide information on the identity of the attacker.

You can access the photos at the following link:

Please contact the Essen police via hinweise.essen [at] or by calling 0201/829-0 if you can provide information on the unknown person.

Newsticker article: Update

The last day of the federal party conference has just begun.

News ticker article "Outlook for the day" from 30.06.2024

Good morning from Essen. Last night was quiet. Three meetings have been registered for today.

Press release "Interim balance sheet"

Essen: Operations on the occasion of the AfD federal party conference - interim assessment

45131 E-Rüttenscheid: After the AfD federal party conference in the Grugahalle Essen officially began today (June 29), the Essen police have drawn a first interim assessment.

Since yesterday evening, a total of 32 counter-demonstrations have taken place in the context of the AfD federal party conference. As expected, several tens of thousands of people came together at the various gatherings to demonstrate peacefully for the most part in support of their cause. Unfortunately, large groups of people, sometimes numbering several hundred, repeatedly attempted to prevent delegates from attending the federal party conference or to break through barriers by means of violent disruptive actions. In the course of these violent actions, our colleagues had to make repeated use of batons and irritant gas. When riot police officers escorted an AfD delegate to the Grugahalle shortly after 10 a.m., they were attacked by around 200 people in the Grugaplatz / Alfredstraße area. One policeman and one policewoman were seriously injured by punches and kicks and seven other police officers were slightly injured. After treatment in hospital, the officer's injuries, which were initially classified as serious, fortunately turned out to be less serious.

According to current information, a total of 28 colleagues have been injured in the clashes so far (27 times slightly, once seriously).

Press release "One police officer seriously injured by demonstrators" from 29.06.2024

Event on the occasion of the AfD federal party conference - A police officer seriously injured by demonstrators

Essen Rüttenscheid: While escorting a politician through a group of troublemakers in the immediate vicinity of the Grugahalle, previously unknown perpetrators kicked two riot police officers in the head. While still lying on the ground, the officers were kicked. The officers were seriously injured and had to be taken to hospital.

Seven of their colleagues were also injured in the attack, fortunately only slightly. The perpetrators of the violence were able to disappear undetected in the crowd and flee.

The police are currently analyzing video footage to identify the perpetrators. The police are urgently looking for witnesses who can provide information about the fugitives. Please contact the Essen police on 0201 829-0.


Newsticker article: Grugabad closed at the weekend

Police prepare for large-scale operation due to numerous gatherings on the last weekend in June

45131 Essen-Rüttenscheid:

For several weeks now, the Essen police have been preparing for one of their largest operations in recent years.

As things stand today, 14 gatherings with a total of several tens of thousands of participants have been reported for the AfD national party conference in the Grugahalle from June 28 to 30, 2024. Cooperation talks are currently underway with the respective responsible parties.

A team specially set up to prepare for the event is currently working meticulously on concepts for the complex challenges that the police will face this weekend. The task of the police is to ensure that the party conference runs as smoothly as possible and that the counter-demonstrations are as peaceful as possible. The top priority here is to ensure public safety.

The right to assemble in the open air always reaches its limits when public safety and order are at risk. This means that we, as a state institution, will intervene if assembly participants become violent and take physically aggressive action against people or property. As the police, we will not tolerate violent disturbances, but will stop them. We will take consistent action against perpetrators of violence and crime.

Although the police want to limit the disruption to public life in Rüttenscheid and the surrounding area to an unavoidable minimum, residents and visitors must expect restrictions, including with regard to traffic.

We will publish further information about the operation on our website shortly. / TW

Newsticker article: Grugabad closed at the weekend

We would like to remind you once again that despite the beautiful weather, the Grugabad will remain closed for the entire weekend due to the current assembly situation!

Newsticker article: Update on disruptive actions in Rüttenscheid

In the course of the morning, violent disruptions occurred in the Rüttenscheid area. Disturbers attacked police officers and tried to break through cordons. There was some resistance and physical attacks on police officers. In the course of this, the emergency services also had to use pepper spray, batons and direct coercion. So far, 11 police officers have been injured.

We therefore once again appeal to the peaceful assembly participants to clearly distance themselves from violent disruptors.

Newsticker article: Update

The federal party conference has just begun.

Newsticker article: Arrests after disruptive actions

There were several violent disturbances in the Rüttenscheid area. Some demonstrators wore masks and attacked police officers. Several arrests have already been made.

Newsticker article "Urgent appeal"

In light of the current situation, we are once again urging you to stay away from violent actions and disruptive behavior.

Newsticker article: Important information

The police would like to point out that attempts to break through the barriers will be consistently prevented. Criminal offenses will be consistently prosecuted.

Newsticker article: Norbertstraße/Sommerburgstraße

A large group of people tried to break through a barrier. The police used pepper spray and batons to stop them.

Newsticker article "Meetings started"

Good morning to Essen. The first gatherings today have begun and will be accompanied by the police.
Among other things, a parade is currently passing through the districts of Horst, Steele, Bergerhausen, Rellinghausen, Stadtwald and Bredeney. There may be short-term disruptions.

Newsticker article: Prohibition on the use of drones by the city of Essen

Here you can find the general ruling of the city of Essen.

Newsticker article: Passage points/traffic blocking points

Citizens who can credibly demonstrate a legitimate interest will generally be allowed through at police transit points/traffic blocking points.

It is helpful to carry proof of your company, identity card, etc. with you. The police do not issue any proof.

Newsticker article: Alfredstraße partially closed

Since there are currently traffic jams at the following closures:

The city of Essen has closed Alfredstraße between Martinstraße and the A52 in both directions today.

Newsticker article: Grugatrasse also closed to pedestrians

The Grugatrasse is closed in the area marked by us not only for cyclists but also for pedestrians. Please refer to our interactive map for the exact closures.

Press release "Disruptions are consistently prevented" from 28.06.2024

Disruptions on the occasion of the AfD national party conference are consistently prevented

Essen-Rüttenscheid: Numerous counter-demonstrations have been reported to the police on the occasion of the AfD national party conference taking place at the weekend (June 28-30) in the Grugahalle, with demonstrators expected from all over Germany.

The vast majority will peacefully exercise their right to freedom of assembly. Nevertheless, the police have information that blockade actions are planned to prevent the AfD federal party conference, among other things.

Peaceful protests are a sign of a functioning democracy and show how important freedom of assembly is in accordance with Article 8 of the German Basic Law.

Unpeaceful protests, on the other hand, especially blockades aimed at disrupting or preventing the AfD federal party conference, constitute a criminal offense and are not protected by Article 8 of the Basic Law.

The police will consistently prevent disruptive actions and (resolutely) prosecute criminal offenses.

We appeal to all citizens who wish to peacefully express their protest to clearly distance themselves from such actions.

Article "UPDATE: Construction work on the camp has begun" from 27.06.2024

The set-up work for the camp on the occasion of the AfD federal party conference in Hörsterfeld has begun. No road closures are currently planned for the camp. However, an increased number of people is to be expected throughout the weekend.

As the camp is an assembly, the police are responsible for protection and will be on site.

Article "Links to cooperation partners" from 27.06.2024

The police will provide you with comprehensive information on the events surrounding the AfD national party conference. Our cooperation partners, the fire department & city of Essen and Ruhrbahn GmbH are also providing information on their own websites.

For information on public transport, please visit the website of Ruhrbahn.

The city's restricted zones and current information on regulatory authorities and the fire department can be found on the website of the city of Essen.

Article "Video of the press conference on 25.06.2024"

In the press conference on 25 June, Police President Andreas Stüve and Chief Police Director Detlef Köbbel (police commander of the operation) provided information about the upcoming operation.

You can watch the video of the press conference here:

Link to the video

Article "Renewed reminder - no-stopping zones" from 27.06.2024

From this afternoon (6 p.m.), the no-parking zones around the trade fair center and in Rüttenscheid will be in force. Please follow the signs and move your vehicle early if necessary. We are also starting to set up the restricted areas.

Further information on restricted areas can be found on the maps on our homepage.

Higher Administrative Court rules on the camp in Löwental

In the administrative court proceedings regarding the camp in Löwental, the Higher Administrative Court yesterday evening rejected the appeal against the police's decision.

The camp will therefore not take place in Löwental, but in Hörsterfeld. Construction work is set to begin there today.

Article "Press release of the city of Essen" from 24.06.2024

The city of Essen has published a press release with information on its lockdown concept and restrictions for the coming weekend.

You can find the press release here:

Closure measures from Thursday evening

From Thursday (June 27), 6 p.m., the closure measures will be set up in the vicinity of Messe Essen and in Rüttenscheid. You can find the closed areas on our map "Police restrictions".

Please also remember the no-stopping zones that have been set up in your area. Please refer to the signage on site for the exact times.

Article "Ruhrbahn press release" from 24.06.2024

Ruhrbahn GmbH has published a press release with information on public transport for the coming weekend.

You can find the press release here:


Press release "Establishment of a live stream" from 24.06.2024

Preliminary press conference on the operations on the occasion of the AfD federal party conference - setting up a live stream

On the occasion of the operations surrounding the AfD federal party conference and reported counter-demonstrations, the Essen police have invited to a press conference on Tuesday, June 25 at 12:00 noon. You can find the press release here:

Due to the great interest in the press conference, we are setting up a live stream on our X-Channel (formerly Twitter). You can access it via the following link:

Press release "Operations on the occasion of the AfD Federal Party Conference - Information for journalists" from 21.06.2024

From June 27, 2024, we will be publishing a live ticker on our website covering the events at the AfD national party conference. We will also mirror this on our WhatsApp and X social media channels. You can find all the important information about the event here.

We are also setting up a media contact point for journalists over the weekend (June 28 - 30, 2024). This will be located at the side entrance of the police headquarters on Büscherstrasse (south of the main entrance). Please note that there are no parking spaces available here.

In addition, journalists can reach us by telephone on the usual number 0201/829-1065.

Article "Restricted areas & directions" from 19.06.2024

As a result of the national party conference of the political party "Alternative for Germany" (AfD) in the Grugahalle Essen, extensive road closure measures have been put in place in the vicinity of Messe Essen and in Rüttenscheid.

You can see the closed areas and the no-stopping zones that have been set up on the map under "Police restrictions". To enlarge the individual sections, please click on the corresponding number.

The exact period of the no-stopping zones can be found on the signage on site.

Both companies and private apartments / houses are located within the restricted area.

In order to enable authorized persons to pass through, some access recommendations are formulated below.

The companies or apartment owners in the affected settlements are asked to have company ID cards / ID cards ready so that access to the restricted areas can be granted.

Pre-press conference - Invitation for journalists


Numerous counter-demonstrations with tens of thousands of participants have been registered in Rüttenscheid for the AfD federal party conference from June 28 to 30, 2024.

The task of the police is to ensure that the party conference runs as smoothly as possible and that the counter-demonstrations are as peaceful as possible. The top priority here is to ensure public safety. A team set up specifically to prepare for the operation has meticulously prepared concepts for this.

Police President Andreas Stüve and Chief Police Director Detlef Köbbel (police commander of the operation) will hold a press conference to inform interested journalists about the upcoming operation:

Tuesday, 25 June 2024, 12:00 noon. June 25, 2024, 12:00 noon

Police Headquarters Essen (main entrance), Büscherstraße 2-6, 45131 Essen

We request accreditation for the press conference by Friday, June 21, 12:00 noon, by e-mail to pressestelle.essen [at] (pressestelle[dot]essen[at]polizei[dot]nrw[dot]de).

Article "Citizens' hotline now open" from 11.06.2024

Citizens' hotline now open - information on the events on the occasion of the AfD national party conference

As we have already received a large number of inquiries from business people and citizens, Essen police have decided to bring forward the launch of the citizens' hotline. As of today, the citizens' hotline will be available from Monday to Friday from 07:00 to 15:30.

In the last week of June, the office hours will be from June 24 to 26 from 08:00 to 16:00 and from June 27 to 30 from 08:00 to 20:00.

You can reach the police on 0201 829 8290 and 0201
829 8291.

In addition, the police will be distributing information leaflets to affected households in the operational area from today.

Journalists are asked to continue to call extension -1065.

In an emergency, please always dial 110!

Press release "Police set up information page on homepage" from 03.06.2024

Police prepare for large-scale operation regarding numerous gatherings on the last weekend in June - 1st follow-up report - Police set up information page on homepage

45131 Essen-Rüttenscheid:

The large-scale police operation on the last weekend in June is getting closer and closer.

The police will be deploying large numbers of officers in Rüttenscheid from June 28 to 30, 2024 to ensure that the AfD federal party conference runs as smoothly as possible and that the registered counter-demonstrations with several tens of thousands of participants run as peacefully as possible.

Our original report from May 29, 2024 can be found here:

As of today (June 3), our information page on this deployment event is online. Among other things, you will find up-to-date information, road closures and contact details for the citizens' hotline.

As the operation will continue to develop dynamically, the information on the homepage will also be continuously supplemented and updated.

You can access the information page here:

To activate the video, please click on the "Play video" button. Please note that data will be transmitted to YouTube when you start the video.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110