
Burglary protection consultation
Fighting crime is one of the core tasks of the police. On the following pages we would like to provide you with information on individual phenomena.
Property crime
Burglary, theft
Kriminal- und verkehrsunfallpräventive Tipps der Polizei Essen für die „ältere Generati-on“ jetzt in einer App gebündelt kostenlos online abrufbar
We invite all citizens of Essen and Mülheim to get advice on security within their own four walls.
Am Freitagmittag, 20. Oktober 2017, haben Polizeipräsident Frank Richter und Sparkassenvorstand Volker Behr gemeinsam die Broschüre „Klüger gegen Betrüger!“ vorgestellt.
Your police will inform you about the distribution of domestic burglaries in Essen and Mülheim an der Ruhr: We provide you with overview maps showing the residential burglaries (including attempts) of the past week. However, the distribution of burglary locations sometimes changes considerably from...
Here you will find monthly updates on developments in selected crime areas.
Victim protection
and crime prevention
Well advised with security
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110